Monthly Archives: July 2010

Dayton Daytrippin’

Skatin’ in Dayton. Me, Austin, Ben, Max, and Joe went to Dayton for a day of fun, pure, unadulterated fun. Two street spots, Centerville Skatepark, and a mid-day dip in the pool at Austin’s parents’ palatial residence. Tha tha-tha-tha tha-tha that’s the recipe.

Funnest spot

Oh, Max ate shit? Big surprise.

Nasty boy

Hey look, a pretty bug

Yup, definitely the funnest spot

Not only was it the funnest spot, it was also a classy graffiti gallery

This thing was there too

Smoothie mouth

Crustiest spot. Just try to skate this place, I DARE YOU.

Ben never rolled away from this 50-50. Why? because no one could have.

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more work,more stacks, more cars, more clothes

Max is all blown up ‘n shit on the front page of what is essentially the New York skateboarding equivalent of TMZ. Linked in that post is this totally radical digi-cam montage, featuring some skateboarding, and more importantly, some vintage Alex Hegerty footage, booty shakin’ in his panties. Using my hair-length dating system (only slightly less accurate than carbon dating), I would have to say this hot lingerie footage is roughly 1.2 million years old. I’m not exactly sure who made this, but using my detective-like reasoning skills I have placed Brendan Lum at the top of the list of suspects. (YouTube username nerbmul is lumbren backwards, duh)

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Sweaty Balls Summertime

Summer. Scorching hot outside, and inside? Like a fucking sauna. No job, no school, Max is in town, what we gon’ do?

Maybe a little skating?

Perhaps sit in some gum?

Probably bathe in fountains?

Definitely gonna look like retards.

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