Tag Archives: nature leads to naughty behavior

Then/Then Later

Powell Skatepark opened

I skated there once (maybe twice) a day

I did something new here everyday

I met the people that are now my best friends

Everything was awesome and it rained candy and money, from rainbow-streaked skies

It is my favorite skatepark


A seasoned skatepark, with ever-expanding cracks and crevices, due to Ohio winters

I skate here once (maybe twice) a month

I still occasionally do something new here

Populated by (mostly) all shitheads

Rich kids show off their million-billion-dollar racecars in the parking lot

They cut down a bunch of the trees surrounding the skatepark in the past couple years. Rumor has it that the city did it because too many high school handies were being tossed off under the cover of the suburban foliage. I hope that is the case.

It is my favorite skatepark


Nollie Inward Heelflip


Filed under nostalgia, photos